When to Use the Imperative vs. the Subjunctive in Commands in Spanish

Introduction: Understanding Spanish Commands

Imagine you're traveling in Spain or Latin America, and you want to tell someone what to do or what not to do. You might say:

  • "Ven aquí." (Come here.)

  • "No hables tan rápido." (Don’t speak so fast.)

  • "Quiero que me ayudes." (I want you to help me.)

All of these sentences involve commands, but notice how the structure changes depending on who you are addressing and the level of formality. Sometimes, we use the imperative mood, and other times, we rely on the subjunctive moodto give indirect commands.

Understanding when to use the imperative vs. the subjunctive in Spanish is crucial for giving commands accurately and politely. This guide will break down the differences, rules, and examples to help you use these two moods confidently.

1. The Imperative Mood: Direct Commands

The imperative mood is used for giving direct orders, requests, advice, or instructions. This form is often short and to the point.

How to Form the Imperative

The imperative changes based on:

  • Who you are addressing (tú, usted, vosotros, ustedes)

  • Whether the command is affirmative or negative

Affirmative Commands:

Subject-AR Verbs-ER/-IR VerbsTúHablaCome / EscribeUstedHableComa / EscribaVosotrosHabladComed / EscribidUstedesHablenComan / Escriban


  • Habla más despacio. (Speak more slowly.)

  • Coman bien. (Eat well.)

  • Escribid vuestras respuestas. (Write your answers.)

Negative Commands:

For negative commands, you use the subjunctive form:

Subject-AR Verbs-ER/-IR VerbsTúNo hablesNo comas / No escribasUstedNo hableNo coma / No escribaVosotrosNo habléisNo comáis / No escribáisUstedesNo hablenNo coman / No escriban


  • No hables tan fuerte. (Don’t speak so loudly.)

  • No comas demasiado. (Don’t eat too much.)

  • No escribáis en el libro. (Don’t write in the book.)

2. The Subjunctive Mood in Commands: Indirect Requests

The subjunctive mood is used when giving commands indirectly or in a more formal and polite way.

When to Use the Subjunctive in Commands:

  1. When expressing a wish or desire

    • Quiero que estudies más. (I want you to study more.)

    • Espero que lleguen a tiempo. (I hope they arrive on time.)

  2. When giving recommendations or advice

    • Es mejor que no hables tanto. (It’s better if you don’t talk so much.)

    • Sugiero que leas este libro. (I suggest that you read this book.)

  3. When using impersonal expressions

    • Es importante que descanses. (It’s important that you rest.)

    • Es necesario que vayas al médico. (It’s necessary that you go to the doctor.)

  4. When expressing indirect commands with "decir que," "pedir que," "ordenar que"

    • Dile que venga a casa. (Tell him to come home.)

    • El jefe ordenó que terminemos el informe hoy. (The boss ordered that we finish the report today.)

3. Imperative vs. Subjunctive: Key Differences

FeatureImperative MoodSubjunctive MoodType of CommandDirectIndirectFormalityCan be informalMore polite and formalNegationUses subjunctive formsAlways uses subjunctiveExample (Affirmative)Ven aquí. (Come here.)Quiero que vengas aquí. (I want you to come here.)Example (Negative)No hables. (Don’t speak.)Es mejor que no hables. (It’s better if you don’t speak.)

4. Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Using the imperative in the wrong person

    • Hablas más despacio. (Incorrect)

    • Habla más despacio. (Correct)

  2. Forgetting to use the subjunctive in indirect commands

    • Quiero que tú hablas más. (Incorrect)

    • Quiero que tú hables más. (Correct)

  3. Mixing up negative commands

    • No habla tan rápido. (Incorrect)

    • No hables tan rápido. (Correct)

5. Practice: Which Form Should You Use?

Try choosing the correct form for the following commands:

  1. (Hablar / No hablar) más claro. → ______________

  2. Quiero que (venir) temprano. → ______________

  3. (Escribir / No escribir) tu nombre en la pared. → ______________

  4. Es importante que (escuchar) las instrucciones. → ______________


  1. Habla más claro.

  2. Quiero que vengas temprano.

  3. No escribas tu nombre en la pared.

  4. Es importante que escuches las instrucciones.

Conclusion: Mastering Commands in Spanish

Understanding the imperative and subjunctive moods is essential for giving clear and polite commands in Spanish. The imperative is direct and efficient, while the subjunctive is used for more formal, indirect, or polite commands.

Key Takeaways:

✅ Use the imperative for direct orders and requests.
✅ Use the subjunctive for indirect commands, recommendations, or polite expressions.
✅ Always use the subjunctive for negative commands.

By mastering these distinctions, you’ll sound more fluent and confident in Spanish conversations.

For more Spanish grammar tips, visit our blog.

At Polyglottist Language Academy, we help learners communicate effectively and naturally in Spanish. ¡Buena suerte en tu aprendizaje!


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