Instructor: Kayo Yoshikawa

Required Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (Genki 1) (Lesson 1-2)

Recommended: Genki Workbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (Genki 1) (Lesson 1-2)

Useful Websites: http://genki.japantimes.co.jp/self_en, https://jisho.org/, https://tangorin.com/kanji, http://kanji.me, https://www.linguee.com/english-japanese/


Course Objectives: Upon completing this introductory course, students will earn communicative skills to introduce themselves, exchange basic personal information, ask questions at restaurants and stores, and tell time. Students will also understand the Japanese writing system and differences between Hiragana and Katakana. They will acquire skills to read and write basic 120 words and create sentences using basic sentence patterns.  


Week 1: Greetings & Lesson 1 (New Friends)


・Introduction to Hiragana and Hiragana Rules

・Self-Introduction using the sentence structure “X is Y”(XはYです)

・ Vocabulary of occupations and nationalities


Week 2: Lesson 1

・Numbers (1~100)

・Ask questions using the sentence structure “Is X Y?”(XはYですか)

・Ask questions using the question word “what”(なん)

・Connect two nouns with “Particle の”  



Week 3: Lesson 1

・Lesson 1 review and practice of situational conversation (“At a Welcome Party”)  

・Basic manners at a party


Week 4: Lesson 2 (Shopping)

・Introduction to Katakana and Katakana Rules

・Numbers (101〜90,000)

・Demonstrative nouns and adjectives(これ・それ・あれ/この〜・その〜・あの〜)

・Vocabulary of personal items, places, and food

・Question words: where(どこ), who (だれ), whose (だれの), which one (どれ), which 〜(どの〜),

 how much (いくら).


Week 5: Lesson 2

・X is not Y (Xはじゃありません)

・X is also Y (XもYです)

・Basic action verbs

・Particles を, に, で


Week 6: Lesson 2

・Lesson2 review and practice of situational conversation (“Shopping and Eating in Tokyo”)

・Body language at stores and restaurants